Friday, June 29, 2012

The Psychedelic Ensemble Release Silent Sam

As you all know, I am a fan of The Psychedelic Ensemble, and I look forward to every output this solo artist comes up with. You can still download the interview I conducted with the artist, known simply as TPE, from the Podcast tab of this site and hear about this wonderfull music.

Combining progressive, art, symphonic rock and some classical styles, The Psychedelic Ensemble present dramatic musical journeys on all three of his albums: The Art of Madness, The Myth of Dying, and the wonderful The Dream of the Magic Jongleur.

So it was a bit of a suprise when I read the DPRP news today and found out that TPE has released a single. With three albums already under his belt, this new release, called "Silent Sam" is available as a download for a nominal price on his website.

You can download the track HERE!

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