Monday, January 2, 2012

It Was an Old Year Yesterday...

...But it's a New Year Now!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy New Year's Eve. As for me, I had a wonderful time, if tiring, visiting family and having family and friends over for the holidays, and having turkey only once (yesterday we served some).

2011 was a fantastic year for prog. Statistically speaking this year had over 1161 releases (studio, live, singles, and DVD combined) of which I heard about 475 (not all of them good). That makes for a lot of listening. No wonder I didn't have the time to write reviews this year. But I did play most of those on the radio show.

2012 annouces itself as a great year for prog, with the long awaited release of the Chris Squire/Steve Hackett project Squackett, the long awaited return of polish band SBBthe new Landmarq release Entertaining Angels, a new Gazpacho CD titled March of Ghosts, a new Delusion Squared called II, the new Steve Hogarth and Richard Barbieri collaboration Not The Weapon But The Hand, a new Pendragon DVD called Out of Order Comes Chaos, Threshold's March of Progress CD, and maybe, just maybe, the new Echolyn.

WIN 1 OF 4 CDs:
So it's that time of the year again, the time to make lists. So send me your own top 10 or 20 CDs of 2011 and four lucky participants will receive a CD as a gift. So get cracking and send those at progrockshow(@) (take the apostrophes out to send).

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